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Transmission Of Wisdom

There is a word in Sanskrit that occupies a key place in wisdom and history. This word is "parampara". Its literal translation is "continuation", "succession", "unbroken series". In the context of Ayurveda it often refers to the transmission of wisdom from a guru or yogi to a pupil.


This is important because Ayurveda is a science that has been passed down orally from teacher to pupil for more than 5000 years, generation after generation. So, all the knowledge and everything I know about this medicine, I have received directly from my teacher Dr. Sudhakar Powar, who comes from a family tradition of Vaidyas (Ayurvedic doctors) from several generations.  Since he was a child he used to prepare medicines and visited his grandfather and uncle. He got his PhD in Ayurvedic medicine at the University of Bombay and later at the University of Varanasi, specialising in Babaroga (paediatrics).


Also a large part of my training has been given by the knowledge shared by Elena Navarro and Agustí Navarro, my teachers at the Master in Ayurveda Therapy offered by the Campus Docent Sant Joan de Déu (Barcelona). I am still in constant contact with my teachers, so the training continues uninterrupted.

Ana celebrating her completion of Ayurvedic studies, marking her journey into becoming a certified Ayurvedic practitioner."

The "handing over" of this succession of knowledge takes place during a ceremony, which I personally experienced in Haridwar. The ceremony is called "Upayanan Shanskara" and symbolises the acceptance of the disciple by the Guru.


A first exciting moment in this ceremony is the handing over of the sacred cord called "Yajnopaveeta". It is a cord made of three threads that the student receives during the ceremony. Each thread symbolises one thing: the guru, the family and the gods that govern nature (fire, water, air and the earth that gives us the sustenance of life). It also represents the purity of thought, word and action of the carrier.


After this, I was able to experience one of the most important moments of my life, the succession of knowledge itself which, moreover, in a social and patriarchal context such as that of India, makes this gift to a woman something very exceptional.


In the "parampara" we offer all negativity to the fire - "agni" - and ask for the light of knowledge, love and respect to guide our steps so that we can learn, apply and share the knowledge of Ayurveda as it has been transmitted for thousands of years from master to disciple.

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